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Research And Publications


The mission of the International Medical and Technological University as spelt out in its Five year Rolling Strategic Plan, is to “enhance the University’s image through improved inputs in the University core functions of teaching and learning, research and delivery of community services”. The plan emphasizes that one of its specific functions is “to promote research into emerging and re-emerging diseases, economic, social, cultural, scientific, and technological issues targeting poverty reduction and economic growth, stimulate student engagement in productive services in and outside the university". Thus, apart from teaching, IMTU is required to engage in research and provide consultancy services in the specified areas as will be found necessary for public and private sectors.

While IMTU has made remarkable strides in imparting knowledge and skills to undergraduate and postgraduate students, its impact on research undertaking has been minimal. The structure of the university provides for a Research and Publications Committee, but members of the academic staff have not come forth to utilize it effectively. Among the factors which have hindered research undertaking at the University is the lack of a research policy.

Research Policy

General objective

The general objectives of this research policy is to provide guidelines in undertaking basic and applied research to generate new ideas (knowledge) to respond to contemporary and emerging needs in the health sector.

Specific objectives of the Research Policy

In line with the National Science and Technology Policy, and the National Health Policy, the IMTU Research Policy should:

Define research priorities to ensure that research conducted at the IMTU:

  • Is in line with national priorities;
  • Is about local or regional problems;
  • Can be used to solve local and regional problems;
  • Aims at solving scientific questions identified in different branches of the health sciences at IMTU.

  • To provide attractive terms and conditions of service for researchers to motivate research and reward productivity. This can be achieved by:
  • Improving the salary structure, and
  • Instituting attractive research honoraria.
  • To strengthen the research infrastructure at IMTU by:
  • Placing due emphasis on institutional development; and
  • Improving logistical and technical support to research operations which include equipment and accessories, consumables, etc.
  • To prescribe a general framework to guide preparations and approval procedures for research proposals
  • To identify, promote and develop special talents among its members of staff with a view to developing a “critical mass” of research scientists at IMTU
  • To facilitate collaboration between scientists in different disciplines at IMTU and promote a multi-disciplinary approach to research.
  • To encourage collaborative research between scientists at IMTU and researchers in other institutions in and outside the country.
  • To inculcate a research culture among its staff, students and the community
  • To encourage appropriate biomedical science research
  • To ensure that individual initiatives seeking research funds are encouraged and supported.
  • Ensure that progress reports are submitted as required and that research results are discussed with all stakeholders and disseminated widely.
  • To improve the linkage between research and application of research results to allow optimal utilization of resources in the health sector.
  • To set a clear procedure for controlling and monitoring of research process that include:
    a. Inputs
    b. The actual research process
    c. Outputs
  • To provide information on possible sources of funding both within and outside IMTU
  • To ensure that the research funds are disbursed according to approved IMTU financial regulations.

The vision of the Research and Publications Committee (RPC) is to be a center for coordinating and regulating quality health and related research that responds to National, Regional and global challenges. The mission is to provide a conducive research environment at the University, promoting the conduct of research that is in-line with the National Research agenda and to enhance the University capacity to advance frontiers of knowledge.

Proposal Review Process

The RPC committee coordinates the review of proposals submitted by the faculty and students through the Research and Publications Committee which in essence is the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and its Sub- committee. It is also responsible for regulating and monitoring progress research and publications implemented by faculty and collaborators at the University.